Water Recycle

DRDO BIODIGESTER TECHNOLOGY is an eco-friendly solution for human waste disposal, developed by DRDE lab, Gwalior, of DRDO (Defence Research Development Organisation), Ministry of Defence, Government of India. Human waste (fecal matter) disposal is an ever-growing problem, leading to the threat of organic pollution and the risk of infectious diseases due to contamination of groundwater, food chain, and drinking water resources.

The DRDO Biodigester technology developed by DRDO will be a game-changer in the sanitation sector in the years to come. The technology is now being used in Indian Railways (Bio toilets) and by the Armed Forces. The DRDO Biodigester tank is maintenance-free for a lifetime, as the anaerobic microbial Inoculums DRDO AMI is fed only once. It feeds on the fecal matter and multiplies by itself.


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